How To Put Humility Into Practice And Stay Humble
I had to spend a little while in hospital recently and being there made me realise just how vulnerable we can all be at times. The trust we must put in others, allowing ourselves in our entirety to be laid bare in front of them sometimes, is a truly gifted experience and one that will always keep me mindful and humble.
Being open to understanding everyone else’s needs, thoughts, and opinions, without surrendering your own, and looking at others through a non-judgemental lens, is the key to humility. It is the very thing that unlocks a valuable life and creates enhanced relationships and friendships with those around you.
Most importantly, no one likes a bragger! That’s not to say you can’t be proud of your values and viewpoints, or that you shouldn’t stand up for them, but the most unattractive thing is to force it upon others or to make others feel guilty of theirs.
These simple techniques will allow you to develop a more respectful outlook on the world around you:
Notice your imperfections
This can be a tricky one to tackle because, who actually likes to admit their flaws?! Some of us like to believe that there is such a thing as perfection and that we embody that completely. Newsflash! It is absolutely unattainable, and we are humans after all!
Our imperfections are the very things that make us beautiful. They create our character, they add substance to who we are as individuals, and they can be extremely attractive attributes.
Don’t be scared to admit where your shortcomings are and be proud of the fact that you know that they are a part of you. ‘Warts and all’, as the saying goes!
Accept your limitations, recognise where your strengths are also, and allow yourself to make the effort to make the world a better place without having to take all the credit for it.
There’s room for everyone to learn and grow and to play an active part in producing the goodness that the world will thrive on.
Start listening more
This is something I certainly need to practice more of! It’s so easy to talk and talk and talk, but what about listening to the other person too?
We can learn a lot from others. Sometimes what we learn can shape us in unimaginable ways. Taking inspiration and a positive influence from those around us is a good foundation for personal growth.
Let yourself be open to the teachings of others and start listening keenly to what they have to say. Of course, you don’t have to take everything on board and use it in your own development journey, but it helps in keeping yourself grounded and in accepting that there’s room for adapting.
Even more importantly, other people’s stories can be fascinating to hear. Practice learning from them, asking for advice, getting productive feedback, and just let them speak!
Compare less
It is perfectly natural to get caught up in dreaded comparisons. We see other people doing the things we want to do, (or think we should be doing), living the experiences we’d like to live, having the kinds of relationships we’ve always dreamt of having, or the careers we’ve never believed we are capable of achieving but would love to do just the same.
I’m not saying this will be an easy thing to stop doing too much of but the more you try to create the habit of comparing less, the happier you will be and the more mindful you will be in approaching your life in a less arrogant and peaceful way.
Be thankful for all that is good in your life. Focus on today and what it is actually bringing into your part of the world. Accept that we all come from different walks of life and what makes one person happy will not necessarily make you happy.
It might help you to journal your thoughts around this. Ask yourself what truly makes your heart sing. What do you thrive on? What makes your passions ignite with joy? And then do more of those things and concentrate on making your life as good as it can be for you. Allow others their happiness and carve out more of your own.
Accept life’s challenges
Sometimes life will disappoint us, and it can throw us a lot of curveballs that can send our emotions into a spiral of negativity. It’s important to remember that we cannot control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we react to it.
Recognise the good things that have happened and celebrate those moments. And when the not-so-great moments occur, look at them from a different angle and let them be humbled teachable moments.
Be open to discomfort and let go of the need for control, and in doing so you will add more value to your life in focusing on what you CAN influence, yet at the same time surrendering what’s beyond you.
Being able to adapt in this way will allow you to feel less saddened by what you don’t get as opposed to what you do get out of life. It will help you to manage your emotions better and to get more enjoyment from your life.
As you become more self-aware and can empathise with the world around you, humility will grow within you and will fill your cup with so much more goodness than you could ever imagine.
With your eyes and your heart open, you can welcome better relationships with your loved ones, greater self-esteem and self-worth, and a deeper realisation of a better way of living.
Start today, and let humility open the door to a richer life!